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Selected Publications

Foger, N., M.A. Retamal, E. Amigou, M.G. Kozoriz, C.C. Naus, J.C. Saez and C. Giaume (2010). The activation of Cx43 hemichannels is astrocytes triggered by proinflammatory cytokines enhances NMDA-induced neurotoxicity. Mol. Cell. Neurosci. 45:37-46.

Herrero-Gonzalez, S., C. Giaume, C.C. Naus, J.M. Medina and A. Tabernero. (2010). Connexin43 inhibits the oncogenic activity of c-Src in glioma cells. Oncogene, Epub Aug. 2.

Kozoriz, M.G., J. Church, M.A. Ozog, C.C. Naus and C. Krebs. (2010). Temporary sequestration of potassium by mitochondria in astrocytes. J. Biol. Chem., Epub July 28.

Naus, C.C. and D.W. Laird. (2010). Implications and challenges of connexin connections in cancer. Nature Reviews Cancer 10:435-441.

Kozoriz, M.G., J.F. Bechberger, G. Bechberger, K. Mass, K. Willecke and C.C. Naus. (2010). Removal of the C-terminus of connexin43 results in enhanced damage during stroke. J. Neuropath. Exp. Neurol. 69:196-206.   Epub 2010 Jan. 13.

Guttman, J.A., A.E. Lin, Y. Li, J. Bechberger, C.C. Naus, A.W. Vogl and B.B. Finlay  (2010). Gap junction hemichannels contribute to the generation of diarrhea during infectious enteric disease. Gut 59:218-226.  Epub 2009 Oct. 14.

Crespin, S., J.F. Bechberger, M. Mesnil, C.C. Naus and W.C. Sin. (2010). The carboxy-terminal tail of Connexin43  gap junction protein is sufficient to mediate cytoskeletal changes in human glioma cells. J. Cell. Biochem. in press.

Decrock, E., E. De Vuyst, M. Van Moorhem, L. Laeken, M. De Bock, M. Vinken, V. Rogiers, K. D’Herde, W.H. Evans, C.C. Naus and L. Leybaert. (2009). Connexin43 hemichannels contribute to the propagation of apoptotic cell death in a rat C6 glioma cell model. Cell Death & Differentiation 16:151-163. Epub 2008 Sep 26.

Cina, C., M. Theis, K. Willecke, K. Maass, J.F. Bechberger and C.C. Naus. (2009). Involvement of the C-terminal of Connexin43 in neuronal migration. J. Neurosci. 29:2009-2021.

Van Slyke, J.K., C.C. Naus and L.S. Musil. (2009) Conformational maturation and post-ERmultisubunit assembly of gap junction proteins. Mol. Biol. Cell 20:2451-2463.

De Vuyst, E., E. Doecrock, M. De Bock, M. Van Moorhem, C. Lai, H. Yamasaki, C.C. Naus. W.H. Evans and L. Leybaert. (2009). Calcium-activation and inactivation of ATP release via connexin43 hemichannels is controlled by a calmodulin-arachidonic acid-ROS/NO signaling cascade. Cell Calcium 46:176-87.  Epub 2009 Aug 4.

Lai, C.P.K., J. Bechberger and C.C. Naus.  (2009). Panx2 as a novel growth suppressor in C6 glioma cells. Oncogene 28:4402-4408. Epub 2009 Sept 14. 

Sin, W.C., M. Tse, N. Planque, B. Perbal, P.D. Lampe and C.C. Naus. (2009). Matricellular protein CCN3 regulates actin cytoskeleton reoganziation. J. Biol. Chem., 284:29935-44. Epub 2009 Aug 25.

Sin, W.C., D.C. Bates, J.F. Bechberger, W. Rushlow and C.C. Naus.  (2008). Dose-dependent differential upregulation of CCN1/Cyr61 and CCN3/NOV by the gap junction protein connexin43 in glioma cells. J. Cell. Biochem. 103:1772-1782.

De Vuyst, E., M. De Bock, E. Doecrock, M. Van Moorhem, C.C. Naus, B. Blanchaert, C. Mabilde and L. Leybaert. (2008). In situ bipolar electroporation for localized cell loading with reporter dyes and investigating gap junctional coupling; Biophy. J.  Biophys J. 94:469-479.

Ozog, M.A., G. Modha, J. Church, R. Reilley and C.C. Naus. (2008). Co-administration of CNTF with its soluble receptor protects against neuronal death and enhances neurite outgrowth. J. Biol. Chem. 283:6546-6560.

De Vuyst, E., E. Doecrock, M. De Bock, H. Yamasaki, C.C. Naus, W.H. Evans and L. Leybaert.  (2007). Connexin hemichannels and gap junction channels are differentially influenced by lipopolysaccharide and bFGF.  Mol Biol Cell. 18:34-46.

Conklin, C., J. Bechberger, D. MacFabe, N. Guthrie, E. Kurowska and C.C. Naus. (2007). Genistein and quercetin increase connexin43 and suppress growth of breast cancer cells.  Carcinogenesis 28:93-107.

Lai, C.P.K., J.F. Bechberger, R. Thompson, B. MacVicar, R. Bruzzone and C.C. Naus. (2007). Tumour suppressive effects of Panx1 in C6 glioma cells. Cancer Research 67:1545-1554.

Cina, C., J.F. Bechberger, M.A. Ozog and C.C. Naus. (2007). Expression of connexins in embryonic mouse neocortical development.  J. Comp. Neurol. 504:298-313.

Conklin C., D, Huntsman, N. Makretsov, D. Turbin and C.C. Naus. (2007). Tissue Microarray Analysis of Cx26, Cx32, Cx43 expression and its prognostic significance in human breast cancer.  Cancer Letters 255:284-298.

Bates, D., W.C. Sin, Q. Aftab and C.C. Naus.  (2007). Connexin43 enhances glioma invasion by a mechanism involving the carboxy terminus.  Glia 55:1554-64.

Hamaguchi T., Y. Matsuoka, J. Bechberger, T. Ohnishi, K.I. Fujita, C.C. Naus, M. Kusunoki, A. Tsubura, H. Tsuda.  (2006). Establishment of an apoptosis-sensitive rat mammary carcinoma cell line with a mutation in the DNA-binding region of p53.  Cancer Lett. 232:279-288.

De Vuyst, E., E. Doecrock, L. Cabooter, G. Dubyak, C.C. Naus, W.H. Evans and L. Leybaert.  (2006). Intracellular calcium changes trigger connexin32 hemichannel opening. EMBO Journal 25:34-44.

Jimenez, T., W.P. Fox, C.C. Naus, J. Galipeau, and Belliveau, D.J. (2006). Connexin Overexpression Differentially Suppresses Glioma Growth and Contributes to the Bystander Effect Following HSV-Thymidine Kinase Gene Therapy.  Cell Adhes. Commun. 13:79-92.

Belliveau, D.J., M. Bani-Yaghoub, R. McGirr, C.C. Naus and W.R. Rushlow. (2006). Enhanced neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells mediated by connexin hemi-channels and ATP.  J. Biol. Chem. 281:20920-20931.

Valiunas, V., J.F. Bechberger, C.C. Naus, P.R. Brink and G.S. Goldberg. (2005). Nontransformed cells normalize gap junctional communication with transformed cells.  Biochem. Biophy. Res. Comm. 333:174-179.

Wentlandt K., P.L. Carlen, M. Kushnir, C.C. Naus and H. El-Beheiry.  (2005). General anesthetics attenuate gap junction coupling in P19 cell line.  J. Neurosci. Res. 81:746-752.

Zhang, Z., Y. Hu, B. Wnag, Z. Lin, C.C. Naus and B.J. Nicholson. (2004). The asymmetric gap junctional intercellular communication between human normal lung fibroblasts and malignant lung carcinoma cells.  Carcinogenesis 25:473-482.

Nakase, T. and C.C. Naus. (2004). Gap junctions and neurological disorders of the central nervous system, in Biomembranes Special Issue: The Connexins, Biochem. Biophys. Acta 1662:149-158.

Alexander, D.B., H. Ichikawa, J.F. Bechberger, V. Valiunas, M. Ohki, C.C. Naus, T. Kunimoto, H. Tsuda, W.T. Miller and G.S. Goldberg. (2004). Normal cells control the growth of neighboring transformed cells independent of gap junctional communication and Src activity. Cancer Research 64:1347-1358.

Nakase, T., G. Sohl, M. Theiss, K. Willecke and C.C. Naus. (2004). Increased apoptosis and inflammation following focal brain ischemia in mice lacking connexin43 in astrocytes. American J. Pathology 164:2067-2075.

Fu, C., J.F. Bechberger, M. Ozog, B. Perbal and C.C. Naus. (2004). CCN3 (NOV) interacts with connexin43 in glioma cells: Possible mechanism of connexin-mediated growth suppression. J. Biol. Chem. 279:36943-36950.

Wentlandt K., M. Kushnir, C.C. Naus, and P.L. Carlen. (2004). Ethanol inhibits gap junctional coupling between P19 cells. Alcoholism: Clin. Exp. Res. 28:1284-1290.

Ozog, M.A., S.M. Bernier, D.C. Bates, B. Chaterjee, C.W. Lo and C.C. Naus.  (2004). CNTF-CNTFRa complex upregulates connexin43 and intercellular coupling in astrocytes via the JAK/STAT pathway. Mol. Biol. Cell 15:4761-4774.

Frantseva, M.V., C.C. Naus and J.L. Perez Velazquez.  (2003). Gap junctions and neuronal injury: protectants or executioners?  The Neuroscientist 9:5-9.

Fushiki, S., J.L. Perez Velazquez, L. Zhang, C. Kinoshita, J.F. Bechberger, P.L. Carlen and C.C. Naus. (2003). Disruption of neuronal migration in neocortex of connexin43-null mutant mice. J. Neuropath. Exp. Neurol., 63:304-314.

Brigstock D.R., R. Goldschmeding, K.I. Katsube, S.C. Lam, L.F. Lau, K. Lyons, C.C. Naus, B. Perbal, B. Riser, M. Takigawa, and H. Yeger.  (2003).  Proposal for a unified CCN nomenclature.  Mol Pathol 56:127-128.

Nakase, T., S. Fushiki and C.C. Naus.  (2003). Astrocytic gap junctions composed of connexin43 reduce apoptotic neuronal damage in cerebral ischemia. Stroke 34:1987-1993.

Samoilova, M., J. Li, M.R. Pelletier, K. Wentlandt, Y. Adamchik, C.C. Naus and P.L. Carlen. (2003). Epileptiform activity in hippocampal slice cultures exposed chronically to bicuculline: increased gap junctional function and expression.  J. Neurochem. 86:687-699.

Nakase, T., S. Fushiki, K. Willecke, G. Sohl, M. Theis and C.C. Naus.  (2003). Neuroprotective role of astrocytic gap junctions in ischemic stroke.  Cell Adhes. Commun. 10:413-417.

Frantseva, M.V., L. Lokarovtseva, C.C. Naus, P.L. Carlen and J.L. Perez Velazquez. (2002). Specific gap junctions enhance the neuronal vulnerability to brain traumatic injury. J. Neurosci. 22:644-653.

Naus, C.C. (2002). Gap junctions and tumour progression. Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 80:136-141.

Ozog, M., R. Siushansian and C.C. Naus. (2002). Blocked gap junctional coupling increases glutamate-induced neurotoxicity in co-cultures of neurons and astrocytes. J. Neuropath. Exp. Neurol. 61:132-141.

Stout, C., J. Costantin, C.C. Naus and A. Charles.  (2002). Intercellular calcium signaling in astrocytes via ATP release through connexin hemichannels; J. Biol.Chem. 277:10482-10488.

Ozog, M., J. Bechberger and C.C. Naus.  (2002). Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) in combination with its soluble receptor (CNTFRa) increases connexin43 expression and suppresses growth of C6 glioma cell. Cancer Research 62:3544-3548.

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